Radiation levels peak at Fukushima power plant
More than four years after the Fukushima disaster, radiation levels in the area still continue to spike. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the company in charge of the power plant, announced Thursday that radiation levels as high as 9.4 sieverts per hour were detected outside a reactor containment vessel at the Fukushima No. 1 Read More

Toxic trash bags from Fukushima plant washed away by flood waters
Typhoon Etau has caused widespread flooding in Japan. While flood waters did not engulf the Fukushima power plant, they did sweep away 82 plastic bags containing radioactive grass and soil from the Daiichi site.(1) The plastic bags had been stored at the Iitate village before the flood waters took a hold of them. Approximately 30 Read More

Radioactive plutonium found at 10 MILLION times higher levels in water at Fukushima plant as radioactive rivers flow into Pacific Ocean
In March 2011, an earthquake launched a tsunami that left the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in ruins on Japan’s Tohoku coast. No one knows how much plutonium was released into the marine environment after the disaster. What is known is that the amount of plutonium in the water below the Fukushima reactors is 10 Read More