CA seals experiencing mass deaths from leukemia-like disease; Fukushima radiation suspected as cause

Dead baby seals have been plaguing the coast of California. Recent lab reports reveal that the cause of death for many baby seals was disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), adding further evidence that marine life has been contaminated by radiation from the Fukushima disaster.(1)

DIC is a serious disorder where the proteins that usually control blood clotting become overactive. This can cause the body to use up its supply of platelets and clot-forming proteins, which can result in excessive bleeding.(2)

DIC is not a disease in and of itself. It is a symptom of a deeper, underlying disorder, which could include tumors, blood cancers and/or cute promyelocytic leukemia. Approximately 16 of the 46 weaned baby seals that died at the San Francisco Bay rescue center this summer were diagnosed with DIC.(1)

Although 16 may sound like a small number, it represents only a fraction of the amount of marine life dying from nuclear waste bleeding from the Fukushima plant into the Pacific Ocean. The radiation is causing a number of animals to gracelessly die from cancers, deformities and disorders that they other wise would not have, including the baby seals found in California.(1)

It doesn’t take a genius to link radioactive waste with increased risk of cancer. These events just so happen to coincide with radiation from the Fukushima disaster bombarding the West Coast. It’s taken about three years for radiation from the nuclear power plant to reach the coast of California, and its effects are becoming clearly manifest.

In the meantime, the mainstream media continues to underplay the disaster, refusing the acknowledge a link between the two events. As radiation from the disaster hits the coast, cancer rates among marine life are expected to rise.

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